If your reading this it means that i am 82! Do you remember the good old days where we had long brown hair and side bangs, mabye now the style will be a mowhack with side bangs, or mabye everyone is bald.
I have stayed up at night and wondered what the future may be like. I imagine everyone wearing silver body suites and aliens invading our planet. But I wish that fashion doesn't change that much because I like the clothes this century. Do you remember the tight skinny jeans, and the tube tops. Btw the skinny jeans will always be in style. lol lol lol!!!!!!Oh my josh that reminds me of a song!!!!!!!! Jk Jk Jk lol lol lol I love your make up of my gosh i love your hair...... At Pine crest where we sang that song, it was soooooo popular.
I hope you remember all of our memories but I trust myself not to forget the best ones. Remember we used to dislike anonymous people btw it was Hannah but now i still hope i am bffs with her so that makes us bffetwro-translation best friends forever even though we are old.
With all of this texting language you might be 404-confused, but i hope your not because you wrote like this a few years ago. But Texting language isn't the thing that I want you to remember about when you were 12 turning 13. I want you to remember the good days where all you had to worry about was getting your blog in on time. I want you/me to remember playing on the playground and being bored in Evensong. I hope that i remember all of these amazing memories when I'm old and wrinkly.
PS. I hope i don't get wrinkles.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When you get your first puppy all you want to do is to pick him/her up in your arms and never let go. The fur makes you feel nice and on a cold winters day he warms you right up. But then you feel a warmness coming out of your new favourite pet and then you hear a scream. The scream is from your terrified mother. You drop him suddenly! EWWWWWW he just peed on me.
I grabbed my puppy Prince Bernard and then threw him out side. Bernard just looks at me with a strange puzzled look. Then he dragged his tail and walked away. I kept looking out the window.
I watched Prince Bernard gently lift his feet off of the hard grassy land as he ran. His feet came off one by one. Right back......left back.....right front...... left front it was so graceful. His short hair was going on its very tip and his drooling, wet tongue was hitting the side of his check. When I saw how beautiful he was there was no choice but to forgive him!
Puppies can sometimes be cute but when they grab your favourite type of shoes they suddenly become dead to me. You’ll forgive them though because when they give you a look that melts you you’ll forgive them.
Puppies and puddles, licks and hugs, soft and lovable just look at their mugs. A smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, there just so sweet no need to ask why. Little wet kissed soft gentle nuzzles, not very complicated like cross word puzzles. They arrive with love and joy in their heart, just want to share not being apart.
~Walter 2000~
Puppies can be nice but means sometimes but you both will always have a partnership and allot of PUPPY LOVE!!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Going Green
Everyone says that they are going green but what are they doing really to save the environment. Many people say that they are helping the world by changing their light bulbs, or using less water and that might be true, but what are they doing to save the environment instead of just helping it.
People that help the environment do the little

On Thursday 22 April there was a guest speaker talking about global warming. He really opened my eyes to the reality. This global warming is in some what caused by me. I am causing the oceans to warm up, I am causing more hurricanes, and I am causing droughts and heat waves. But it’s not just me that is causing this, it is you too.
If all of use turned the water off in between shampooing and conditioning, or even car pooled on the way to school it could make a big difference, if we used recycled paper for writing essays or for writing a book. We could make a difference.

LIFE LESSON: We should save our world because it’s the only one we have. And then maybe if we keep going the rate we are going there won’t be one at all.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
B is for Blogs
I am sitting there in my seat while my bum is starting to hurt, but it doesn’t hurt as much as my head, my head in pounding as I try to think of a blog topic. I am getting as frustrated as you can get. I start to want to pull my brain out and get a new one that could get an idea. But then suddenly I have an idea, I guess that transplant can be cancelled.
What are blogs? Definition: a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies! I think that blogs are something that you can use to spill you thoughts out for anyone to hear. You can write anything that you want on a blog. I feel free when I write a blog, because no one is telling me what I can and cannot say.
I bet I am not the only one in the world that can’t think of a topic and instead of getting good grades they get bum sores from thinking so hard. That is what I should write about, blog ideas. It’s a wonderful idea, amazing in fact. These are steps of thinking of a blog topic.
1. Grab a pencil or paper. When your hands grasp that pencil slowly bring it to the wonderfully new clean piece of paper.
2. Sit and think. Let you imaginative brain go crazy and think of anything.
3. If you can’t think of something you can get out of your seat and jump up and down. Feel your feet come off of the floor in a fast motion.
4. Make sure that you choose a topic that you enjoy
5. If you still can’t think of a blog topic come to my blog and look at some of these blog topics:
- Do a blog on blogs
- Write one about vegetables
- Car rides
- What you really hate or love
- Hobbies
- Family
- Do one on your pets
- Talk about other people’s posts
With these ideas I will bet that you will come to school one morning and will await your blog mark. And when it arrives you will be the happiest girl/boy alive. The spirit will arise out of you centre, the joy will take over and you will jump out of your seat, because you have gotten the best grade in the class.
LIFE LESSON: if you need a blog idea make sure you like the topic first and put all of your energy into it to get a good grade!
What are blogs? Definition: a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies! I think that blogs are something that you can use to spill you thoughts out for anyone to hear. You can write anything that you want on a blog. I feel free when I write a blog, because no one is telling me what I can and cannot say.
I bet I am not the only one in the world that can’t think of a topic and instead of getting good grades they get bum sores from thinking so hard. That is what I should write about, blog ideas. It’s a wonderful idea, amazing in fact. These are steps of thinking of a blog topic.
1. Grab a pencil or paper. When your hands grasp that pencil slowly bring it to the wonderfully new clean piece of paper.
2. Sit and think. Let you imaginative brain go crazy and think of anything.
3. If you can’t think of something you can get out of your seat and jump up and down. Feel your feet come off of the floor in a fast motion.
4. Make sure that you choose a topic that you enjoy
5. If you still can’t think of a blog topic come to my blog and look at some of these blog topics:
- Do a blog on blogs
- Write one about vegetables
- Car rides
- What you really hate or love
- Hobbies
- Family
- Do one on your pets
- Talk about other people’s posts
With these ideas I will bet that you will come to school one morning and will await your blog mark. And when it arrives you will be the happiest girl/boy alive. The spirit will arise out of you centre, the joy will take over and you will jump out of your seat, because you have gotten the best grade in the class.
LIFE LESSON: if you need a blog idea make sure you like the topic first and put all of your energy into it to get a good grade!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
V is Veggies
It was a happy day in the small town of Maryhill. The sun was shinning and i had my tongue locked on the delicious ice cream. The chocolaty goodness was dripping down my new white blouse. I sort of had a stomach ache but that didn't matter because i had my favorite thing in the world, ice cream and lots of sugar! But then the monster came. it was big, huge in fact, and it had the worst thing possible in its mouth. VEGETABLES!!!!!!! It was the Veggie Monster. And the Veggie monster of course is.....MOM!!!!!
I was frightened out of my socks. My ice cream fell to the dirty ground. The Vegetables were getting closer. The Artichoke, Beets, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Gourds, asparagus and mushrooms. All coming closer and closer into my disgusted mouth. The vegetables came so close i had no choice but to open my mouth and except it.
Yet some vegetables are delicious like carrots, peas and of course pumpkin but only as a pie. yum!! But those vegetables they were forcing down my throat they were disgusting, repulsive and made my stomach turn. The nauseating green makes me want to up chuck and the taste is to disturbing to even talk about.
A weird thing started to happen to me. My stomach ache... It was slowly leaving my system. I started to fell better. The sadness and pain was traveling faster now, out of my body. instead of pain filling my stomach flowers and happiness took its place.
Even though you think of Vegetables as what i thought of them, being repulsive, disgusting and just to green, but know i think of them as, being wonderful, helpful and healthy. When i had the stomach ache i was hurting. But when i took those vegetables into my mouth it cured my stomach ache. So now i love vegetables and you should too.
LIFE LESSON: Eat as many vegetables as you can, it cures stomach aches.
I was frightened out of my socks. My ice cream fell to the dirty ground. The Vegetables were getting closer. The Artichoke, Beets, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Gourds, asparagus and mushrooms. All coming closer and closer into my disgusted mouth. The vegetables came so close i had no choice but to open my mouth and except it.
Yet some vegetables are delicious like carrots, peas and of course pumpkin but only as a pie. yum!! But those vegetables they were forcing down my throat they were disgusting, repulsive and made my stomach turn. The nauseating green makes me want to up chuck and the taste is to disturbing to even talk about.
A weird thing started to happen to me. My stomach ache... It was slowly leaving my system. I started to fell better. The sadness and pain was traveling faster now, out of my body. instead of pain filling my stomach flowers and happiness took its place.
Even though you think of Vegetables as what i thought of them, being repulsive, disgusting and just to green, but know i think of them as, being wonderful, helpful and healthy. When i had the stomach ache i was hurting. But when i took those vegetables into my mouth it cured my stomach ache. So now i love vegetables and you should too.
LIFE LESSON: Eat as many vegetables as you can, it cures stomach aches.
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