When you get your first puppy all you want to do is to pick him/her up in your arms and never let go. The fur makes you feel nice and on a cold winters day he warms you right up. But then you feel a warmness coming out of your new favourite pet and then you hear a scream. The scream is from your terrified mother. You drop him suddenly! EWWWWWW he just peed on me.
I grabbed my puppy Prince Bernard and then threw him out side. Bernard just looks at me with a strange puzzled look. Then he dragged his tail and walked away. I kept looking out the window.
I watched Prince Bernard gently lift his feet off of the hard grassy land as he ran. His feet came off one by one. Right back......left back.....right front...... left front it was so graceful. His short hair was going on its very tip and his drooling, wet tongue was hitting the side of his check. When I saw how beautiful he was there was no choice but to forgive him!
Puppies can sometimes be cute but when they grab your favourite type of shoes they suddenly become dead to me. You’ll forgive them though because when they give you a look that melts you you’ll forgive them.
Puppies and puddles, licks and hugs, soft and lovable just look at their mugs. A smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, there just so sweet no need to ask why. Little wet kissed soft gentle nuzzles, not very complicated like cross word puzzles. They arrive with love and joy in their heart, just want to share not being apart.
~Walter 2000~
Puppies can be nice but means sometimes but you both will always have a partnership and allot of PUPPY LOVE!!!!
Kate I totally love puppies as well! I love all the descriptive words you used to described puppies. It really created a wonderful picture in my head, like when you said "Their soft fur make you melt like butter. Their wet nose make you feel warm inside" i really felt like I was holding my own dog. A way to improve your post from amazing to fantastic was if you really described why you liked puppies. That would just complete your blog!