Friday, January 8, 2010

i is for ice cream

I is for ice cream.

my favorite type of ice cream is chocolate. many might say that their favorite flavor is vanilla but all of those people probably don't have working taste buds. I like chocolate ice cream because it is very, very chocolaty and is very creamy and delicious.

To describe chocolate ice cream is a very hard task, but i am going to try. the chocolate ice creams presentation is very important so its good that that type of ice cream looks so good. i like how the chocolaty taste tastes like good chocolate and it is nice when you want something cold yet very chocolaty.

When you have ice cream sometimes they don't have chocolate which is awful you have to have a third choice. so this is the list of my favorite ice cream besides chocolate. 1. cookie dough 2. chocolate chip 3. strawberry 4. cookies and cream 5. Rollo 6. Rockey Road 7. French Vanilla
8. Vanilla Fudge

there are allot of different ice cream flavors but there are many toppings too. like cookie dough, M&M's, mint, Areo, and many sprinkles.

the life lesson in this blog is ice cream is really good and there are many different types.

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